Cool Water
Flash Boulevard 2020
September 15, 2020
I’m spinning on my screened porch. Spinning faster than the overhead fan so I increase its speed and begin spinning again as I did as a five-year-old until I tried to stop and all wobbly-legged fell over laughing. I’m trying to avoid the wicker furniture and just before I go down for the count I see a man leaning against a cedar tree in my yard watching me. As I fall I wonder if he would be watching if I were dressed in more than my bra and panties.
I’ve moved too close to the house and there’s a chance she’ll spot me but it’s a chance I have to take. I’ve seen her in her pajamas and bathing suit but now, in her bra and panties she’s so gorgeous and her breasts are jiggling—they’re jiggling a come on to me because by now she knows I’m watching.
I’m dizzy as fuck. Ha Ha Ha. That’s such a silly thing to say but I can’t get up and put on my shirt and walk down to the stream and undress again down to my spinning outfit and walk in the cool stream. I almost forgot I’m being watched by a man at the edge of my yard where the cedar grove is; maybe he wants to spin too. I’ll just hold onto the wicker chair and get up but it spins around and I’m down again laughing like I was laughing when I was spinning. But wait, the table doesn’t spin so I’ll hold onto that and get up. Maybe I’ll wave to the man in the woods.
She’s waving to where I was standing before she fell. I knew I shouldn’t have moved but I have a better view from here. She is so beautiful. She has got to be out of college because I haven’t seen her since high school. Her bra has three snaps and is barely doing its job. My gosh! My gosh! I wonder if she’d like to walk down to the stream with me. We could take our shoes and socks off and roll up our pants and walk in the cool water. I could hold her hand at times so she wouldn’t slip. She’s not wearing shoes and socks. Maybe I’ll invite her to walk to the stream and suggest she put on shoes and socks. I hope she stays dressed the way she is.
Here comes a car and behind it is my father’s pickup. They are going to take me back and make her get dressed and all I want to do is walk in the stream with her. Well I won’t move and they can’t make me. My father looks so pissed and the other man is going into the house. He must be her father. Ooo trouble. Ooo trouble. But she’s dressed and comes out on the front porch and says hello to my father and waves to me. Her father’s behind her yelling something but she isn’t paying attention. She looks my way and says hi, and I nod and smile and she comes down from the porch and takes my sweaty hand.
“Let’s go walk in the stream,” she says.